When you have a bundle of joy, you more than likely want to try to do everything you possibly can for him or her. You’re probably on top of pediatrician’s appointments but not quite sure when you should bring your child in for his or her first dentist visit. At Milltown Family Dentistry, serving Carrboro, NC and the surrounding area, we’d like you to understand when it’s standard to bring your child in for his or her first dental appointment.
First Appointment
Generally, we advise parents to start bringing their children to our office after their little one’s first tooth emerges. If you don’t schedule an appointment immediately preceding the first tooth emerging, at the latest, you should schedule an appointment before his or her first birthday. Ultimately, this means your child’s first dentist visit should be between six to 12 months.
Why So Early
The reason why visiting the dentist is so important before his or her first birthday is that decay, jaw problems, and various other issues can occur this early. They can affect your kid’s ability to chew, cause him or her discomfort, or lead to various complications.
Your tot’s first visit is an excellent time for you to receive the education you need to take care of your child’s teeth at home, and we encourage you to start these habits as early as possible. Keep in mind that, although baby teeth fall out, problems with the primary set can lead to issues with the permanent ones. Plus, an oral problem at a young age can cause pain, discomfort, and may even interfere with your child’s ability to chew.
How Often Should You Schedule Appointments After the First?
Once you bring your child in for an appointment, we advise you to schedule routine appointments every six months to keep your child’s teeth clean and his or her smile bright as well as prevent oral health problems.
At these appointments, we clean your child’s teeth thoroughly and assess for problems. As your child gets older, we start taking X-rays to further evaluate the inside of your child’s teeth as well as the jaw structure.
Schedule an appointment for your little one with Milltown Family Dentistry, serving Carrboro, NC and general vicinity, by calling 919-590-0945.
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