Dr. Ben Lambeth, DDS & Dr. Megumi Lambeth, DDS

310 East Main St., Suite 335 | Carrboro, NC 27510

Relaxing Sedation Dentistry in Carrboro, NC

Dental sedation can make a huge difference for patients who are undergoing extensive restorative dental work and/or struggle with dental anxiety. Our safe and effective dental sedation options can work well for virtually any patient who is interested in adding sedation to their treatment plan. Contact our office today to learn more about sedation dentistry and schedule your next visit.

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What are my options for dental sedation?

sedation dentistry
  • Nitrous oxide, commonly known as “laughing gas,” is a mild sedative inhaled through a small mask placed over the nose. It helps patients feel relaxed and calm during dental procedures while remaining awake and responsive. The effects wear off quickly once the gas is stopped, allowing patients to resume normal activities shortly after their appointment.
  • Oral conscious sedation involves taking a prescribed sedative pill before a dental procedure to induce a state of deep relaxation. Patients remain awake but feel drowsy and less aware of the procedure, often with little memory of it afterward. This method is suitable for those with moderate dental anxiety or those undergoing longer or more complex treatments.

What procedures can dental sedation be used for?

Dental sedation can be used for various procedures, from routine cleanings and fillings to more complex treatments like root canals, tooth extractions, dental implants, and oral surgery. It is particularly beneficial for patients with dental anxiety, a low pain threshold, or a strong gag reflex. Sedation can also help patients who need multiple procedures completed in one visit or those with special needs that can make dental care challenging.

What is DentalVibe®?

DentalVibe is a handheld device that uses gentle vibrations to reduce the sensation of pain from dental injections. By delivering soothing vibrations to the gums, DentalVibe distracts the brain and nerves, making the injection more comfortable and less noticeable. Our team utilizes this device to ease anxiety and improve patient comfort during procedures that require local anesthesia, particularly for those who fear needles or experience discomfort from traditional injections.

What are the benefits of sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry helps reduce anxiety, fear, and discomfort during dental procedures, allowing patients to feel calm and relaxed. It is beneficial for those with dental phobias, sensitive teeth, and low pain tolerance. Sedation can also make longer or multiple procedures more manageable in a single visit, saving time and stress. If you are interested in utilizing dental sedation at an upcoming visit, we would be happy to discuss the details with you.

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Milltown Family Dentistry