Dr. Ben Lambeth, DDS & Dr. Megumi Lambeth, DDS

310 East Main St., Suite 335 | Carrboro, NC 27510

What Habits Are Worst for Teeth?

While brushing, flossing, and regular visits to our office for cleanings and exams are important ways to protect the health of your teeth, caring for your oral health extends beyond just your oral hygiene. Read our blog post for a look at habits you should avoid to keep your pearly whites healthy and strong.

A Day in the Life of a Dental Hygienist

April is one of our favorite months. Why? Because it’s Oral Health Month! And to kick things off, we like to celebrate Dental Hygienists Week, which is the second week of April. Read our blog post for a look at a day in the life of a dental hygienist.

How to Get Quality Dental Care on a Budget

Are you in need of oral healthcare but worried that it’s going to cost you too much money? Read our blog post to learn about options to help give you the best care at an affordable price.

Is Chocolate Bad for My Teeth?

You know that sugar, sweets, and candies are not good for the health of your teeth. This is because bacteria in your mouth feed off of sugar to create plaque that can break down teeth and lead to cavities. But what about chocolate? Read our blog post to learn about chocolate and teeth. The facts may surprise you.

Am I Suffering From Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth can be a frustrating condition that can result in real harm to your teeth. Read our blog post to learn how to identify dry mouth and what to do if you’ve got it. Contact us to learn more!

What Causes Bad Breath?

You’ve probably experienced bad breath multiple times in your life. In fact, most American adults have had bad breath in their life. But what causes bad breath? Read our blog post where we explain the possible reasons for bad breath and how it can be combated to make sure breath is always fresh.

Is Phantom Tooth Pain Normal After Dental Surgery?

If you’ve recently gotten dental surgery and now feel a persistent pain in the place where the oral surgery was performed, you might be suffering from phantom tooth pain. Read our blog post to learn what phantom tooth pain is, symptoms, how it is diagnosed and what treatment options are available.

Can Dental Implants Cause Headaches?

If you are missing one or several teeth, you have likely considered getting dental implants, but may be reluctant to have this reasonably simple surgery that could positively revolutionize your life because of talk that dental implants cause migraine headaches. Read our blog post to learn what is behind this concern and clear the air regarding dental implants.

How to Avoid Demineralization in Teeth

You may have heard of demineralization of teeth, but what is it exactly, and how can you prevent it? Read our blog for answers. Schedule an appointment so we can check your enamel.

4 Ways to Prepare for a Dental Emergency

You may not often consider that medical emergencies will be of a dental nature, but it’s important to be prepared for a dental emergency just as you are for any other medical emergency. Read our blog post to discover how you can be prepared!
Milltown Family Dentistry