Dr. Ben Lambeth, DDS & Dr. Megumi Lambeth, DDS

310 East Main St., Suite 335 | Carrboro, NC 27510

What Cosmetic Dentistry Can & Can’t Do for Your Smile

A smile that you’re not confident about is something that you probably want to fix. This is where cosmetic dentistry comes in. Read our blog post to learn about the different cosmetic procedures we offer to make you happy about your smile.

Best Age to Start Orthodontic Treatment

Tooth alignment plays a crucial role in your smile’s appearance, it also has a significant impact on your overall dental health. Wondering when the right time is to start treatment? Read our blog post where we go over everything you need to know about orthodontic care!

The Importance of Early Childhood Dentist Visits

Early childhood dentist visits are hugely important not just for your kid’s oral health now but also for their future dental health habits. Read our blog post for a closer look at the importance of early childhood dental care!

At What Age Should I Start Bringing My Child to the Dentist?

When you have a bundle of joy, you more than likely want to try to do everything you possibly can for him or her. You’re probably on top of pediatrician’s appointments but not quite sure when you should bring your child in for his or her first dentist visit. Read our blog post for answers.

Most Common TMD Symptoms

Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMD, occurs when the temporomandibular joints are damaged or not functioning properly. Read our blog post to learn about the symptoms of TMD and how we can treat the problem.

Traditional Orthodontics vs. ClearCorrect

If you want to straighten your smile, a treatment like braces or clear aligner therapy is the way to go. Read our blog post for a look at the pros and cons of traditional orthodontics vs. ClearCorrect aligner therapy.

How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Deliver My Dream Smile?

If you feel your smile is stuck in a rut due to crooked teeth, stains, or other appearance issues that have you hiding it behind your hand, our team can help! Read our blog post for a look at our cosmetic dentistry options.
Milltown Family Dentistry